Saturday, June 27, 2009

4 Things You Need to Know About Retirement Investment

4 Things You Need to Know About Retirement Investment
Use These Tips to Avoid Common Mistakes with Your Retirement Investment
By Dana Anspach,

Many of you have spent 40+ hours per week, for ten, twenty, thirty or even forty years of your life developing your craft, your career, your area of expertise. This investment of time has provided you with an income, a lifestyle, and for some, allowed you to build a nest egg.

Soon there will come a time where this nest egg becomes your primary source of income. Considering this, wouldn’t it make sense to spend a few hours each week to learn how this will work?

After all, even if you seek professional help, you can’t turn your future livelihood blindly over to someone else to handle. You must learn enough to understand the difference between quality advice and a quality sales pitch.

So here are the 4 things you need to do:
1. Spend Time Educating Yourself About Retirement Investing
Here’s how to start your retirement investment education:
How Not to Make Decisions about Retirement Investment:
  • Don’t attend free lunch and dinner seminars about retirement investing – those people are not providing education, they’re just trying to sell you something.

2. When Making Retirement Investment Seek Professional Assistance – Even the Best Athletes Have Coaches

When I say seek professional assistance, I mean exactly that - find a professional, not a sales person. You need a trusted advisor who understands that this is your life savings.
Later in life is not the time go it alone. A good financial advisor will keep you out of trouble.
Here’s how to start your search for the right qualified financial advisor:

3. Lay out a Retirement Investment Plan – And Stick With It

Two quotes to hang your hat by:
· People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.
· If you don’t know where you’re going, than any road will get you there.
If you don’t have a plan or don’t know where to start than read:
Once you have your overall retirement plan, then you lay out your investment plan. When it comes to the investment portion of your plan, remember, there are numerous ways to get from point A to point B. The key to success is KISS – keep it simple, stupid!
Think of your investment like employees; each has an assigned task. Your growth investment have 10-15 years to accomplish their task. If a few bad years in the market come along, and you interrupt them, they will never accomplish their goal.
You must understand the time frame associated with each piece of your retirement investment plan, and let it do its job. Read:

4. Avoid Retirement Investing Mistakes

Most investor’s success happens not because they make all the right decisions, but because they avoid the wrong ones. These articles can be a great starting place to keep you out of harm's way.
I’m nearing retirement age these things are very helpful in finding the right retirement investment for my retirement savings.

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